MPSA designs customized mechanical guards with quality and durable materials, including aluminum extrusion and powder-coated steel frames.
Cartoner Safeguarding Upgrade
- Replaced AZ15 safety switches with Category 3 rated AZ16-12ZVRK safety switches.
- Installed coded magnetic Category 3 safety switches on the carton feed area hinged door and on lift-up Lexan covers.
- Added required push-button stations.
- Upgraded safety control circuit to achieve Category 3 or
PLd requirements. - Installed Lexan extension to the flip-down door with nut plate and space to eliminate reach-in hazard area.
Reduced crawl-under gap with Lexan door extension panels.- Added stainless filler panel under the conveyor.
Sound Abatement Safety Enclosure
- Modular framing with special T-slots designed for reduction of noise.
- Implemented the No-Operator-Access design solution which was developed to reduce noise and maintain safety integrity.
- Reduced the noise level to 80 dB from 92 dB
- Category 3 safety controls with safety interlock switches on all doors.
Perimeter Safety Barrier Guarding
- Steel guarding for rugged environments.
- Quick-connect assembly system reduces labor.
- The uncommon assembly/disassembly tool complies with ISO 12100-2.
- Integrated safety control is built into the door frame.
- This safety enclosure follows ISO 12100-2 and the new RIA 15.06.2012 regulations.
Large Counterbalance Guard
- User-friendly safety enclosure with counter balance vertical lift door.
- Utilizes heavy-duty linear runner blocks and ball rails for smooth movement.
- Integrated special emergency stopping device to ensure complete control of the enclosure and to prevent it from drifting down.
- Guard is directly mounted to the machine, so there are no guarding obstructions for maintenance access.
Machine Guard with Counterbalance
- Accumulator station and guard.
- Linear paper accumulation with lightweight counterbalance doors with integrated safety controls.
- 120” linear pneumatic actuators
for web control. - Counterbalance door design for close access.
- Removable panels for maintenance access.
Customized Black Anodized Laser Enclosure
- Enclosure ensures that the laser equipment is properly contained.
- The front door is supported by gas shocks.
- Safety interlock switches coupled with Category 4 safety circuit are integrated.
MPSA Projects
Select a category below:
Machine Guarding
- Enclosures
- Fixed guarding
Integrated Controls
- Electrical engineering
- Safety controllers
- Customized control panels
Machine Shop Safety
- Lathe guarding
- Lathe chuck covers
- Drill press guards
- Milling machine guards
Lab Safety
- Contamination & exposure enclosures
- Lab production guarding
- Sound abatement enclosures
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